Select Country

Epi Week: 31/07/2023 - 06/08/2023

Most Recent Epi Data 06/08/2023
Most Recent Testing Data 02/05/2023
Current Situation

Gambia has not reported Epi data since 06/08/2023. Current epidemiological situation is unknown.

Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4

Warning Level 0: Gray

No data available.

Warning Level 0: Gray

Test-case ratio adjusted incidence

(New cases/1M/week)

No data reported

Warning Level 0: Gray

Trend in incidence rate

(Week-over-week change)

No data reported last 2+ weeks

Warning Level 0: Gray

Test positivity

(14 day average)

No data

Variants of Concern Detected
No information available

For more information on variants, visit Africa CDC Institute of Pathogen Genomics’ SARS-CoV-2 sequencing dashboard.

Cumulative Cases Daily Cases (7d Avg) Cumulative Deaths Daily Deaths (7d Avg) Cumulative Tests Daily Tests (7d Avg)
12,646 0 372 0 354,908 0



Test Positivity


Cumulative Case Fatality

Public Health and Social Measures

PHSM data source | Mobility data source

Cases Tightening restrictions   Loosening restrictions
PHSM Stringency Index
PHSM Timeline

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